Friday, October 16, 2009

Massage parlor crackdown nets 20 arrests

A crackdown on massage parlors in Mesa has resulted in 20 prostitution charges and for hiring unlicensed therapists.

A task force of detectives around six police made the arrest of 127 inspections of these businesses since September in an effort to push back the growing number of massage establishments, many of which police have said are illegitimate.

In the effort to stop prostitution massage parlors will figure out later they need to make sure they only hire licensed therapists and not unlicensed therapists as these and other small fractions seems to be the key ingredient for busts to happen in the first place, this is a good way for the government to make some money in the process charging fees for small fractions.

tags: massage parlors, erotic mp, mpreviews, escort reviews, escort, escorts

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Massage Parlor News: Massage Parlor Busts

Another Asian Massage Parlor busted again three people in their 60's arrested. The place happened in South Brunswick, New Jersey, a small town the police found records, nearly $2,000 in cash and approximately $5,000 dollars worth of property, you have to ask yourself was it worth it to spend tax payers dollars to bust three old ladies who are trying to make it through life doing so called “Prostitution” and all they found was $2.000 dollars.

Massage Brothels were very common in most countries from Europe, brothels were made illegal after 1945. During the first half of the 20th century, France and Italy were famous for their brothels. Originally, prostitution was widely legal in the United States. Prostitution was made illegal in almost all states between 1910 and 1915

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